





In the course of carrying, the best two people in the family cooperate with each other. One helps the service staff move out of the room and the other gets on the bus next to the car.


When the vehicle arrived in the new house, it was also a man who helped to unload the car, while the other told the service staff how to locate it. Reserve new and old parking Spaces for moving vehicles. If a building manager asks a prophet, he will carry it.


If you have a chance to check in, you will have to check with the moving company again.


_____ will be fever, such as television, electric heater, a compressor (such as air conditioner, dehumidifier) appliance, do not use on moving day, on the one hand, to avoid electrical damage, on the other hand to avoid injury to the service personnel.


The sanitation team handles large waste waste.


To provide the relocation service personnel with the new home contact information (such as the building administrator contact phone or mobile phone).

  选择正规搬家公司 看有否道路运输经营许可证

Choose a regular moving company to see if there is a road transport license

  杭州消费者协会提醒广大消费者,在选择搬家公司时,不要贪图便宜,要选择有资质、有营业执照、有门头的正规的公司。正规搬家公司一般 都有固定的货运车辆、相对固定的工作人员,且对工作人员进行过相应的培训,搬运技能尤其是对一些贵重物品的搬运技能相对成熟,搬运物品有一定的经验。消费 者如要判断一个搬家公司是否正规,最简单的办法就是查看搬家公司是否有道路运输经营许可证,还可查看公司的营业执照等证照进行确认。

Hangzhou consumer society warn broad customer, before choosing a moving company, do not covet is cheap, should choose to have qualification, have a business license, a door head of formal company. Regular moving company usually have a fixed freight vehicles, relatively fixed staff, and a corresponding training of staff, handling skills, especially for some valuables handling skills of relatively mature, handling items have certain experience. Consumers to judge whether a moving company regular, the simplest way is to check the moving company whether there is a road transport business license, still can see the company's business license and other licenses for confirmation.

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