搬家时孕妇不要在现场 When moving, pregnant women should not be there 如果你是孕妇,那么不宜目睹整个搬迁过程。在搬迁日吉时内,最好做点烧水、煮饭、拜神、燃放鞭炮等工作。 If you're pregnant, you shouldn't witness the whole process. It is best to do some cooking, cooking, worship and setting off firecrackers during the moving day. 讲究用水、烧水、吹风 The water, the water, the blow 入住当天,一定要烧一壶开水,寓意财源滚滚。同时塞住各种池盆(厨房、卫生间等),开启水龙头,要细水慢流;因为细水长流,寓意盘满钵满之意。屋宅内还可以开着风扇,四围吹风,但不要向大门吹,有风生水起之意头。 On the day of your stay, you must burn a pot of water, which means a lot of money. Meanwhile, the basin (kitchen, toilet, etc.) will be plugged in, turning on the faucet and running water slowly. Because of the long water, the meaning is full of meaning. A fan will be opened in the house, and the wind will be blowing around, but don't blow to the door.