



第一、目的 First, purpose   打扫二手房其实有两个目的,很多人只知道一个?那就是啊,把原来屋子里的鬼怪妖魔都赶走。另一个大家都不太清楚目的是供奉现在屋子里的各路神仙。去除鬼怪是去除原来屋子里的晦气,那么供奉神仙就是告诉各路神仙,今天我要住在这里了,希望各位神仙能够保佑我将来的运势。这就需要我们提前在二手房中准备一个供奉仙人的地方,准备好一些贡品,等到入住的时候把这些贡品摆上再烧三炷香,就可以了。 There are two purposes for cleaning the second-hand house. Many people only know one. That's it. Get rid of the ghosts and ghosts of the old house. Another one is not so sure that the purpose is to sacrifice the gods of the house now. To remove ghosts and ghosts is to remove the evil spirits of the old house, so to worship the fairies is to tell the gods that I will live here today, and I hope you can bless my future. This will require us to prepare a place for the immortal in the second-hand room, ready for some tributes, and when we check in, we will put the incense on the sticks and burn the incense.   第二、清洁 Second, cleanliness   二手房起重搬家之前如何打扫是一个将要住进二手房的朋友非常烦恼的问题。二手房毕竟是使用过一段时间的房子,所以在方方面面角角落落都会有一些污渍的存在。想要清洁这些污渍需要准备的原料有、小盆、钢丝球、抹布、五洁粉、喷壶、玻璃巾、洗洁精等。先把五洁粉放在水里和匀后,用钢丝球蘸取一些在墙上或者是其它一些有污渍的地方刷一刷。因为有五洁粉,所以刷起来并不费力。刷完以后用抹布占取一些洗洁精的水,在刚才刷过的地方擦一擦,之后再用玻璃巾擦一擦,整个表面都会非常的光滑干净。 How to clean the second-hand house before moving house is a very vexing problem for a friend who is going to live in a second-hand house. Second hand room after all is the house that USES a period of time, so in every corner of every Angle fall will have some besmirch existence. The raw materials that want to clean these stains need to be prepared, small basin, steel wire ball, cloth, 5 clean powder, watering pot, glass towel, cleaning essence and so on. After you put the five powder in the water and in the water, dip it in a wire ball or brush it on the wall or some other smudge area. Because of the five powders, it's easy to brush. After brushing the water that USES dishcloth to take some dishwashing liquid, wipe on the place that brush past just now, wipe with glass towel again, whole surface can be very smooth and clean.   特别要注意的是,如果厨房、厕所等地方污渍比较严重的话,可以增加五洁粉的用量,还有刷墙刷其他的方式力度。这些化学物质非常的伤手所以在打扫的时候尽量要戴上手套打扫,保护好自己的双手。 In particular, if the stain is serious in the kitchen, toilet, etc., you can increase the dosage of the powder and brush the other way. These chemicals are so bad that you try to clean them with gloves and protect your hands.   第三、消毒 Third, disinfection   二手房表面的清洁是让人看起来比较舒服,让人觉得这个房子干净整齐,那么二手房的消毒就更重要了,因为这个房子是别人使用过的,所以在入住的时候,这个房子里会有一些病菌病毒残留,导致再次入住时的屋主的不适。可以在市场上买一瓶八四消毒液,兑水稀释后,喷在屋内的墙边和墙角。像厨房和厕所这样的重灾区一定要增加八四消毒液的浓度,这样才可以更好的消除病菌病毒。喷洒八四消毒液的时候一定要戴上口罩,整间屋子都喷洒完以后,就要闭窗闭门一小时,等一小时过后再开窗通风,散去屋里存留的84消毒液。 The secondary surface cleaning is let a person look more comfortable, let a person feel the house is clean and tidy, so secondary sterilization is more important, because the house is used by the others, so at the time of check in, the house there will be some residual germs, virus, cause the discomfort of homeowners when check in again. You can buy a bottle of eighty four disinfectant in the market, dilute it with water, and spray the walls and corners of the house. Areas such as kitchens and toilets must increase the concentration of disinfectant, so that the virus can be eliminated. Spray one disinfectant must we wear the masks, spraying after the whole room, is about to shut the window closed for an hour, reopen window is ventilated etc. An hour later, clearing house of 84 disinfectant.

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