



一. 搬家前
First. Before moving
Ten days before moving: if your new residence is being renovated, please confirm the completion date, and suggest that you have environmental ventilation for one week. In the meantime, you can notify the moving company to assess the date of moving. All kinds of packing materials are prepared as soon as possible.

Seven days before moving: measure the size of the new room, measure the size of the large furniture appliance, plan the furniture layout of the new house (pay attention to the large furniture to stop the socket). Then sorting and sorting out all the items and disposing of the discarded articles. You are advised to stagger the date of new furniture and the date of moving.

Five days before moving: clean furniture cabinet, spray insecticide, avoid cockroaches to new homes. Clean the new house thoroughly and spray insecticide in the corner and drain. Check whether the toilet drainage holes are open, whether the ceiling and walls are leaking, and whether there is still room for repair. Remember to backup the important data of the computer hard disk at home, just in case. When removing complex audio-visual equipment lines, it is best to make serial numbers on lines and terminals.

二. 搬家当天
Two. Moving day
(1) before the arrival of the moving workers, the new old housing floor is covered with waste cloth to avoid scratching the floor.
(2) before restarting the shipment, it is best to confirm again whether the price is in line with the agreed price.
(3) again tell workers which are valuable and fragile goods.
(4) when goods are delivered to new homes, it is best to tell the workers where the big items are placed on the spot, so as to save your hardship.
(5) before closing the bill with the moving company, we must check the items first: check the valuables, fragile items, the scattered articles, whether there is lost or damaged, whether the household appliances are running well, whether the furniture is bump or damaged or not, whether the placement of large pieces of goods is in conformity with the requirements;
(6) after signing the contract number, driver's name and vehicle number, the contract can be signed.
(7) ask for invoices or receipts after checking out.
三. 搬家后 搬家后的整理:
Three. After moving the family after moving the house:
(1) clean the floor, tables, chairs, cabinets and so on.
(2) put some essential items in order to ensure a normal life order.
(3) first sort out the commonly used items. Some things that are not used at ordinary times can be put into storage rooms before finishing.
(4) when the items in the household are basically in place, the rooms are cleaned, and clothes, beds, tablecloths, etc. are arranged.
(5) finally, you can put some decorations in your room to beautify your new home.

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