



Choose a new pillow to move. According to the theory of human theory, "joining the group" is the transfer of people's morale, so we need pillows to join the group first: according to the number of family members, use new pillows to open the door and enter the house. According to individual beds. In Hong Kong, Singapore and other places, Chinese people also have envelopes in their pillows, which contain 138 yuan, in order to "live for a lifetime".
入住时取21枝香点着, 从屋的左方入, 让浓烟上下熏扫厅房及厕浴厨灶,天花板,墙壁及至墙脚,从屋的右方出, 到外间安全的地方, 把它弄熄弃掉。以次去掉邪气,尤其对于那些盖在风水一般的地基上的房子尤为重要。
When checking in, take 21 sticks of incense to light, enter from the left side of the room, let the smoke smoke up and down to sweep the hall, toilet, kitchen stove, ceiling, wall and to the foot of the wall, exit from the right side of the room, to the safe place of the outside room, and put it out. In order to remove the evil, especially for those built on the foundation of Fengshui general house is particularly important.
Special note: if you are pregnant, you should not witness the whole relocation process. During the auspicious time of relocation, it's better to cook water, cook rice, worship God and set off firecrackers.

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