




The first is to attract consumers at low prices, and then set the starting price after the event, and charge extra floor fees, handling fees for large items, etc;
Second, there is the problem of "subcontracting". Some moving companies can't provide services within the agreed time and subcontract customers to other moving companies, while other moving companies will take this opportunity to charge consumers separately;
Third, we will not sign contracts or provide invoices. When the rights and interests of some consumers are infringed, they cannot complain because they have not signed a contract with the moving company and have no consumption certificate.
中国消法研究会副秘书长陈音江对记者表示,个别搬家公司为了多收钱,还会在车上做文章。看似4米长的车厢,通过在厢体内设夹层,用钢板堵上几十流水槽钢模具 不锈钢铸件 扭王字块模具 井盖钢模具 标志桩模具 调匝式消弧线圈 风冷控制柜 烤漆龙骨厘米,缩小了车内空间。原本一车能装下的需要两车或者另加小车,从而变相加价。
Chen Yinjiang, deputy secretary-general of the China Association of consumerism, told reporters that individual moving companies will also do articles in their cars in order to collect more money. It looks like a 4-meter-long car. By setting a mezzanine in the car body and plugging it with steel plates for tens of centimeters, the space in the car is reduced. Originally, two cars or another car were needed for one car to be loaded, thus increasing the price in disguised form

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