找搬家公司时注意情况 |
添加时间:2018/11/7 17:00:18 浏览次数: |
找搬家公司时注意情况 Pay attention to moving companies. 1.空车确认:搬运前及物品卸下后应检视车辆是否空车。 1. empty car confirmation: after unloading and after unloading, check whether the vehicle is empty. 2.注意装载高度是否符合双方之约定。 2. pay attention to whether the loading height meets the requirements of the two parties. 3.搬家之前再次确认契约内容,以免搬家公司漏填了任何内容,而造成纠纷。 3. Confirm the contract again before moving, so as to avoid any disputes caused by the company's omission. 4.提醒搬家服务人员哪些物品为易碎或贵重物品。 4. remind the moving service staff what items are fragile or valuables. 5.到达新居最先会用到的东西:清洁工具、盥洗用品、隔天上班、上学用品等物品可最后上车、最先下车,到新居后另外放置。 5. The first things to be used when arriving at the new residence: cleaning tools, toiletries, the next day's work, school supplies and other items can finally get on the bus, get off the car first, to the new residence after another place. 6.旧居水、电、瓦斯确定关闭,到新居后确认水、电、瓦斯可以使用。 6. the water, electricity and gas in the old residence were closed and the water, electricity and gas could be used after the new residence. |
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