迁移 (搬屋)简易择吉法 |
添加时间:2019/5/28 13:39:14 浏览次数: |
大多数的国人均相信迁移(搬家)会给当事人(或屋主与家人)带来不同程度、或多或少吉凶祸福的感应,所以,多数人迁移(搬屋)时总会选个黄道吉日、择定吉时、方位并遵循相关的传统习俗及喜忌,希望能有吉祥兆应,也才觉得安心。 Most Chinese believe that relocation (relocation) will bring different degrees of sense of good or bad luck to the parties (or the owners and family members). Therefore, most people always choose the choufangg.89ix.comchuwuqit.37ix.com.cnbiaozhiz.37ix.com.cnqima.37ix.com.cnchuwuqi.37ix.com.cn chuguo.37ix.com.cnauspicious day of the zodiac, the timing and location of relocation (relocation) and follow the relevant traditional customs and taboos, hoping to have auspicious response, and feel at ease. 迁移 (搬屋)简易择吉法 Simple method of choosing good luck for relocation 因每人个别条件不同,不可翻翻农民历或通书上写「宜搬屋」就搬屋了,当天适合别人搬屋却不一定适合你搬屋。 Because each person's individual conditions are different, you can't turn over the farmer's calendar or book to write "Suitable to move house" and move house, but it's not necessarily suitable for you to move house that day. |
上一页 搬家后宽带怎么办 |
下一页 搬家乱象形成的原因 |
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