异地搬家一般的托运程序 |
添加时间:2019/6/15 13:40:00 浏览次数: |
二、距离较远的异地搬家 异地搬家一般的托运程序:国内异地搬家一般采用空运或铁路,不仅快而且不易破损,费用比较合理。 航空托运搬家程序: (1)托运人应填写托运书,持本人身份证或其他有效证件到航空公司办理托运手续,必要时出具单位介绍信; 2. The general consignment procedure of removing from a distant place is that the domestic removing from another place is usually carried by air or railway, which is not only fast but also not easy to be damaged, and the cost is reasonable. Procedures for air consignment and removal: (1) The shipper shall fill in the consignment form, carry his identity card or other valid documents to the airline to handle the biaozhizh.37ix.com.cnshusongdaix.37ix.com.cnshusongdain.37ix.com.cnshusongdaip.37ix.com.cnzhon gzhi.37ix.com.cndianliguan.37ix.com.cnconsignment formalities, and issue a letter of introduction to the unit when necessary; (2)托运人应对所填货物托运书中的各项内容以及所提供资料的真实性和准确性负责; (3)对于运输条件不同或因货物性质不能在一起运输的货物,托运人应分别填写货物托运书。(2) The shipper shall be responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of the contents of the cargo consignment documents filled in and the information provided; (3) For cargo with different transport conditions or unable to be transported together due to the nature of the cargo, the shipper shall fill in the cargo consignment documents separately. |
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