搬家时应注意的民俗喜忌 |
添加时间:2019/9/3 13:39:05 浏览次数: |
1.搬家时要严防动到「胎神」.家中妇女有身孕时,尽量不要搬家.相信这个大家都知道,家里有孕妇的时候东西不可以乱动,而且只能添置家具,不能移。否则动了胎气就不好了。 1. Be careful not to move to "fetal god" when moving. When a woman is pregnant, try not to move. Believe that everyone knows that when there is a pregnant woman in the family, things can not be disturbed, and only add furniture, can not be moved. Otherwise, it would be bad to move the tire gas. 2.搬家当天家人不可哭哭啼啼的,不可乱发脾气,不可打骂小孩子.搬新家本应高高兴兴嘛,图个吉祥之意。 2. On the day of moving, family members should not cry or cry, lose their temper or scold children. Moving a new house should have been happy and auspicious. 3.搬家当天,宜在新宅煮一些开水及将电风扇在家中四方吹拨,以求「风生水起」. 3. On the day of relocation, it is advisable to boil some boiled water in the new house and blow the electric fans around the house in order to "make the wind blown the water". 4.搬家当天不可午睡,也不可在新宅午睡,否则日后易生病. 4. Don't take a nap on the day of moving, or take a nap in a new house. Otherwise, you will easily get sick in the future. 5.搬家当天晚上,就寝前,应先躺下五分钟左右,随即起床再工作一下,表示「睡了还要再起床」(平常小孩睡新床亦然,先躺一下,就要其起床,不可直接入睡,表示「躺下还要再起来」),否则日后易生病. 5. On the evening of moving house, before going to bed, you should lie down for about five minutes, then get up and work again, which means that you have to get up again after sleeping. 6. 搬家时不可和别人打招呼. 6. Don't say hello to others when you move. 7.当天晚上宜煮些甜汤圆,甜品,全家共食,表示一家团圆,甜甜蜜蜜之意. 7. It is advisable to cook some sweet dumplings and desserts that evening. The whole family eats together, which means family reunion and sweetness. 8.搬家当天尽量说些吉祥话。 8. Try to say some auspicious words on the day of moving. |
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