搬家先搬什么进屋好 |
添加时间:2022/11/11 15:56:38 浏览次数: |
搬家先搬什么进屋好 What's the best way to move into a house 1、神佛要预先搬入 1. God Buddha to move in in advance 家中如有神位,要预先搬入并进行一次拜祭。我们是讲究忠孝礼仪的民族,本身搬家就是要祈祷一个财运气运的事情。我们信神的朋友自然就要先搬,以此来表达我们对他们的尊敬。 If there is a God's throne in the family, it should be moved in in advance and worshipped once. We are a nation that pays attention to loyalty and filial piety. Moving is to pray for wealth and good fortune. Our friends who believe in God naturally have to move first to express our respect for them. 2、厨房用品 2. Kitchen supplies 对于我们普通老百姓来说,温饱问题就是最重要的问题,所以在搬家这个顺序上一定要让灶神先进,并且灶神是用请的。所以搬家紧接着应该搬厨房用品,意味着让灶神先进屋,日后生活吉吉利利。 For our ordinary people, food and clothing is the most important problem, so in the order of moving, we must let the kitchen god advance, and the kitchen god is hired. Therefore, the move should be followed by moving kitchen supplies, which means that the Kitchen God should be allowed to live in the house in the future. 3、贵重物品 3. Valuables 如果家中没有神位,请将家中最贵重的东西搬进屋内,以金银铜玉器之类的物品最佳。这意味着新房财源旺,表示日后家中财气更好的意思。 If there is no God's throne at home, please move the most valuable things into the house. Gold, silver, copper and jade are the best. This means that the new house is prosperous, which means that the family's wealth will be better in the future. 总之,搬家风水讲究有很多,对于搬家 保定平面设计培训 收费岛模具 挡土墙模具 防撞墙模具 防撞墙模具 防撞护栏模具 大棚遮阳网 遮阴网 第一件进门的东西来说,我们家中若是有供奉菩萨或财神爷,那么首先就应该由一家之主将神位最先搬进家中,点香供奉着。若是家中没有供奉的神位,那么可以选择米缸米桶最先进门,这个寓意着衣食无忧;还可以抱着一些被褥象征着生活安稳,或者拿着存折银行卡,这个象征着一路了财运。搬新家第一件进门的东西,一定要有着很好的寓意,象征着从头开启新生活。In a word, Fengshui stresses a lot when moving. For the first thing that comes into the house, if there is a Bodhisattva or God of wealth in our house, then the head of the family should first move the divinity into the house and offer incense. If you don't have a shrine at home, you can choose to enter the door first with rice vats and buckets, which means you have no worries about food and clothing; You can also hold some bedding to symbolize a stable life, or take a passbook bank card, which symbolizes the fortune all the way. The first thing to enter a new home must have a good moral, symbolizing the beginning of a new life. |
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