搬家费用与距离楼层有关系么 |
添加时间:2019/4/22 13:38:10 浏览次数: |
要是居住地和目的地的住处属于楼房的一层还是平房,是不会加收楼层方面的一些费用的,若居住地与目的地处于楼房的第二层或是地下室,那么收费就会分两种情况:如果楼内有电梯可以供搬家使用的话,那么就不会回收楼层费用;如果要是没有电梯的话,那么就会每层楼10元回收搬家的费用。 If the place of residence and destination residence belong to the first floor or bungalow of the building, there will be no additional charges for the floor. If the place of residence and destination are on the second floor or basement of the building, there will be two kinds of charges: if there is an elevator in the building for moving, there will be no recovery of floor charges; if there is no elevator, then there will be no recovery of floor charges. It will collect the cost of moving for 10 yuan per floor. 那么问题就来了,搬家的费用与距离到底有啥关系呢。 Then the question arises. What does the cost of moving have to do with distance? 搬家与乘坐出租车是一样的,有它的距离和超距离收费的,是分三种情况。一、看车辆行驶的距离。这个距离是指居住地到搬家目的地只见到的距离,标准距离就是5公里,不超出的话就不会加收费用的,要是超出费用每一公里是会加收10元的。 Moving is the same as taking a taxi. There are three kinds of situations where there are distance and overdistance charges. 1. Look at the distance of the vehicle. This distance refers to the distance only seen from the residence to the moving destination. The standard distance is 5 kilometers. If it is not exceeded, there will be no additional charge. If it is exceeded, there will be an additional charge of 10 yuan per kilometer. 二、看人工搬运的距离。这个距离是指楼口停车之间的距离。远距离搬运对搬运员工来说是非常辛苦的,因此要加收费用的,基准距离大多数情况下是20米,20米内是不收取费用的,超过20米的话,每米要加收费用5元,一般来说。若车辆能停到楼前,搬运的距离是不会超过20米的,也就不会加费的。 2. Look at the distance of manual handling. This distance refers to the distance between parking at the entrance of the building. Long-distance handling is very hard for the porters, so it is necessary to add fees. In most cases, the base distance is 20 meters. No fees are charged within 20 meters. If the distance exceeds 20 meters, the additional fee will be 5 yuan per meter, generally speaking. If the vehicle can stop in front of the building, the distance of handling will not exceed 20 meters, and there will be no additional charges. 三、看异地装卸。异地装卸是一定会增加车辆的行驶距离和搬家所用的时间的,因此要加收费用,标准就是每去一处多的话,就加收5元。 3. Look at loading and unloading in different places. Loading and unloading in different places is bound to increase the driving distance of vehicles and the time spent in moving. Therefore, there is an additional charge. The standard is to charge 5 yuan for every place you go. 那么如何节省搬家费用呢? So how to save the cost of moving? 要节省搬家费用,首先一定要选择正规的搬家公司,千万不要找街头贴小广告的小公司,以防止被黑,事先要咨询两三家,从当中可以选择一家知名度并且信誉度较好的搬家公司,再一个就是要做好准备工作,以免因为自己的原因造成金钱和时间上的浪费。 To save the cost of moving, first of all, we must choose a regular moving company. Never look for a gelidun.89ix.comgangguanp.89ix.comtongshizi.71ix.comzhuzaojm.37ix.com.cnsmall company with small geshanb.89ix.comtaiyangn.89ix.comadvertisements on the street to prevent being hacked. We should consult two or three companies beforehand. One of them can choose a well-known and creditable moving company. The other is to prepare well so as to avoid wasting money and time for our own reasons. |
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