企业搬家当天要注意细节 |
添加时间:2019/4/23 13:48:30 浏览次数: |
离开旧址 Leave the old site 检查移动者搬运的物品是否与你的财产目录一致。如果有争论照照片。 Check that the items the mobile carries are in line with your property catalogue. If there's an argument, take a picture. 确认你得到财产目录的拷贝。 Make sure you get a copy of the property catalogue. 把随身带走的物品装好。 Pack up the things you take with you. 在大蓬货车发车之前检查所有房间。 Check all rooms before the van leaves. 在你签署检查提单之前,要将所有项目仔细检查,并做拷贝。 Before you sign the inspection bill of lading, check all items carefully and make copies. 记录大蓬货车司机名字,在目的地给他合同号。指明新宅子的方向。 Record the name of the driver of the van and give him the contract number at the destination. Point out the direction of the new house. 关上热水器。恒温器设在55度。 Turn off the water heater. The thermostat is set at 55 degrees. 迁入新址 Move into new site 在搬家服务商前面到达你的新家。如果你迟到可能有等待的费用。 Arrive at your new home in front of the relocation service provider. If you are late, there may be a cost of waiting. 联系电力公司确定开始日期。 Contact the power company to determine the start date. 检查器具,炉子和温水加热器。如果它们不运行和修理服务联络。 Check appliances, stoves and warm water heaters. If they do not run, contact the repair service. 检查每个纸板箱的状态,列出所有丢失或损坏的财产。 Check the status of each carton and list all lost or damaged property. 也许搬家服务商走以后你可能打开,对照财产目录检查物品,并对损失做记录。 Perhaps after the removal service provider leaves, you may open it, check the items against the property catalogue and record the loss. 问邮递员他或她是否为你的到达拿任何邮件。 Ask the postman if he or she will get any mail for your arrival. 避免物品碰撞 Avoid collision 一定要向搬家服务商的人指明哪个箱子或那件物品属于重点保护。 Be sure to indicate to the mover which box or item is under priority protection. 一些易碎的物品或贵重的物品好自己搬运。 Some fragile items or valuables should be handled by themselves. 一些家用电器搬的时候要格外小心,要亲自监督工人轻拿轻放。 Some household appliances should be moved with extra caution, and the workers should be personally supervised to handle them lightly. 有些很沉或体积庞大的家具如柜子、钢琴等应该多找几个工人搬运,并有人在旁边组织。 Some heavy or bulky furniture, such as cabinets and pianos, should be handled by several more workers and organized by others. 易碎或怕压的物品应放在上边,后装车,先卸货。 Fragile or pressure-resistant items should be placed on top, loaded and unloaded first. 有些旧楼过道比较狭长,并且经常对满杂物,要当心不要碰到邻家的东西。 Some old buildings have narrow corridors and are often full of sundries. Be careful not to touch the things in your neighborhood. 也许搬家服务商走以后你可能打开,对照财产目录检查物品,并对损失做记录。 Perhaps after the removal service provider leaves, you may open it, check the items against the property catalogue and record the loss. 当心意外伤害 Beware of accidental injuries 搬家时经常会出现意外的人身伤害,因此应时时保持警惕。 Accidental personal injuries often occur when moving, so keep vigilance at all times. 搬家当天穿着要以安全方便为准则,好穿长衣长裤,以免划伤。好不要穿裙装,千万不要穿拖鞋、凉鞋、高跟鞋。 On the day of moving, wear safety and convenience as the criterion, wear long clothes and trousers to scratches. Well, don't wear Never wear slippers, sandals or high heels. 要格外当心一些锋利的物品,如玻璃、铁器等。 Beware of sharp objects, such as glass and iron. 有小孩的家庭要注意照顾好孩子的安全,好将孩子送走或托人照管 。 Families with children should take good care of their children's safety so that they can send them away or take care of them. 在搬运工人搬与大件物品时,好与他们保持一段距离,以免出现意外。 When carrying large items, the porters should keep a distance from them so as to avoid accidents. 工人搬运物品时注意不要让他们碰到邻居,尤其是老人和孩子。 Workers should be careful not to let them meet their neighbours, especially the elderly and children, when carrying goods. 好准备一些外用药以防万一。 Be prepared for some external medication in case. |
上一页 古董字画及工艺品搬家时要注意什么 |
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